Where Commitment To Quality Still Makes A Difference

When Accidents Happen, Johnson Law Firm Fights For You

Thousands of accidents will happen across New Jersey this year, in homes, on the roads and at workplaces. Regardless of what causes your injuries, the next steps you take will make a huge impact on your future. Our law firm has years of experience helping victims get the support they need to recover and move forward with a happier, healthier life.

At Johnson Law Firm, our team prioritizes you and your needs. By crafting a personalized, fact-based strategy informed by our decades of prior work, we maximize your settlement and represent you with the dedication and commitment you deserve. Call us at 732-333-8751 to schedule a first consultation.

Avoidable Injuries Are More Common Than You Think

Negligence and reckless behavior can lead to serious injuries in almost every setting, and, when an injury occurs, you do not need to go it alone. We help gather the evidence, documents and medical information on your behalf. We work with clients in all areas of personal injury law, including:

  • Distracted driving like texting and driving or drunk driving
  • Motor vehicle crashes, including those involving commercial vehicles and trucks
  • Unmaintained and unsafe property and other premises liability issues

A successful personal injury settlement may include compensation for medical emergency care, ongoing medical treatment, accident-related expenses and other bills.

We Don’t Waste Time. Act Now.

After your injury, there is a statute of limitations. You have only two years to act. The sooner you come to our office, the more time we have to gather evidence and make the strongest possible case. Call our office at 732-333-8751 or send us an email.